Windows 10 network mac address
Windows 10 network mac address

windows 10 network mac address

MAC Address usually consists of six groups of two hexadecimal digits. It identifies the hardware manufacturer and is used for network communication between devices in a network segment. It is also known as a physical or hardware address. MAC Address or media access control address is a unique ID assigned to network interface cards (NICs). The MAC identifier will fetch a particular vendor's MAC Addresses and display the results. Enter the vendor name in our MAC Address lookup. To get a list of all MAC Addresses of a particular vendor (Suppose “Hewlett Packard”). How to get a list of all MAC Addresses of a vendor? However, in some cases, if you want to generate the fake MAC Address for your testing purposes, you can use the MAC Generator. Note: The MAC Address Lookup provides you with information on the OUIs that are registered and assigned by IEEE. The tool finds the MAC address from the MAC Address Vendor Database and displays the manufacturer originally manufactured this device.To perform the MAC Address Vendor Lookup, perform the following steps All this information is helpful if you want to verify the generated mac address with the original vendor of this device in the OUI vendor database. Moreover, it tells us what country this device was manufactured in. The MAC Vendor Lookup finds the MAC Address from this database and tells us which manufacturer originally manufactured this device and what is the prefix and postfix of a given MAC Address. How to perform the MAC Address Vendor Lookup?

windows 10 network mac address

The MAC Address Vendor Database consists of a list of mac addresses of all devices manufactured to date. MAC Address Lookup Tool searches your MAC Address or OUI in the MAC Address Vendor Database.

Windows 10 network mac address